
Ice Ice Baby

Cryo Facial at Jill Zander

It might make you shiver, but ice therapy is fast becoming a popular restorative and fat busting treatment. People have known for centuries the restorative power of cold and ice treatments, so it’s no surprise that a number of treatments have been developed that harness this power.

So how exactly does ice and cold treatments help restore the skin?

When very cold temperatures are applied to the face in a controlled and selected manner, the blood vessels contract and then dilate, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the skin which makes the skin appear healthier and more radiant. This rush of nutrients to the skin also kick-starts the renewal process, so skin regenerates and collagen and elastin fibre production is increased, resulting in increased elasticity of the skin. Blood and lymphatic flow is better, allowing toxins to be removed more effectively and skin texture to be improved. Try our Cryo Ice Facial and see for yourself the restorative power of ice!

What about fat reduction?

By rapidly cooling areas with stubborn pockets of fat, such as thighs or abdomen, Cryolipolysis can be used to target and destroy fat cells, without damaging the overlying skin or any surrounding vessels. The treatment involves a highly controlled cooling system which ensures that only fat cells respond to the cold temperatures. It also creates a vacuum that draws blood to the surface of the skin, which encourages the localised inflammation and removal of the fat cells. Using a special handpiece, Cryolipolysis can also be used for difficult to treat areas such as double chins.

It’s good for removing skin tags too!

The Cryopen allows for the removal of annoying skin tags and solar keratosis – it works but emitting a fine jet under high pressure of nitrous oxide to freeze the skin tag and destroy its blood supply. Localised inflammation results in new skin growth underneath the treated area, thereby minimising scarring.

So there you have it…ice can make you look younger, reduce fat and remove unsightly skin tags….call today for more information…

Valentines is coming…

With Valentines Day to celebrate, our thoughts turn to what makes us attractive and why?

Apparently symmetry plays a large part in how we view attractiveness – extensive research has showed that female faces that are symmetrical are deemed more attractive to men than those that aren’t. Men tend to also be attracted to those things that indicate youth – this is why full luscious lips and even healthy skin are favoured. For women, indications of masculinity such as jaw line, the angle between eyes and mouth and facial length are more important when rating attractiveness of a man.

So here at Jill Zander, we can give you a little helping hand to make sure your Valentine’s Day is beautiful:

Perfect your pout in the expert hands of Sharon, our Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner, who can carefully add volume to your lips with well placed dermal fillers, and help to correct any imbalance in volume. She can also help sculpt the cheekbones by adding well placed filler in all the right places.

Give your skin a boost the Retinol WOW peel to rehydrate, refresh and plump up the skin, helping to improve the all over texture and reduce fine lines. Containing glycolic acid, retinol, vitamin C and peptides, this is the perfect boost to the skin to give it that healthy, glowing radiance just in time for Valentines.

Try the incredible EndyMed PRO 3DEEP to tighten and lift the face, in a pain-free relaxing treatment. The iFine hand piece also allows for treatment to the delicate eye area – promoting smoother tighter skin, reduces under eye sagging and gives more youthful, less tired looking eyes. Perfect to catch your Valentines eye!


WATCH! Your Pre Party Skin Boosting at Home Peel

WATCH! How to use your Dermaroller – from start to finish

Veins getting you down?

Unsightly veins and redness on the face and body are often a nuisance and can lessen your confidence in wearing the clothes you want or mean that you have to wear more makeup to cover up. So we have sourced the best vein removal techniques and treatments to help remove these little nuisances in time for Spring…

Our fantastic prescribing nurse, Sharon, introduces Microsclerotherapy – a technique that involves injecting a special liquid via a tiny needle into the thread vein. This causes the walls of the veins to stick together, stop functioning, and to disappear. There is no damage to deep veins or surrounding tissue and very little discomfort. A remarkably effective and well documented treatment that gives fantastic results – ideal in the winter so that legs are ready for show once Spring makes an appearance.

For thicker purple veins, the Elite Laser Vein removal system is just the ticket – it uses lasers with different wavelengths, including the Nd:YAG laser, to target the veins. Without damaging any surrounding tissue or vessels, the Elite can destroy the veins, which are then broken down and removed by the body over a few weeks.

ThermaVein is a great way to remove spider veins, fine veins and cherry angioma from the face, neck and hands. It gives instant results and is the most advanced treatment for the removal of facial veins. Harnessing the power of tiny microwave currents, ThermaVein causes the vein to close and disappear instantly, with no downtime.

If you suffer from a complex network of veins on the face, causing diffused redness, then Harmony Vein Removal may be better suited to treating your veins. Using lasers of different wavelengths, both superficial and deeper veins can be treated – the veins absorb the laser energy and this causes them to collapse and break down. Surrounding tissue is unharmed so this treatment is safe and comfortable.

So, worry not, your veins will soon be a thing of the past…


Our Solutions to your New Years Resolutions

January – the time when we all promise to eat better, work out more and be healthier. Jill Zander has come up with a few ways to help you get on the right track to looking and feeling your best:

Fat Buster: Target the problematic midsection using the incredible, award winning Vanquish Fat Buster, causing fat cells to be destroyed. Combined with the Exilis Elite, which uses Radiofrequency to tighten the skin, the entire area can be sculpted and tightened, leaving you looking amazing.

Beat the Bulge: If too many mince pies have left you feeling wobbly, try this combination of incredible treatments. It can help reduce bingo wings, bra rolls, saddle bags, love handles, stomach pouches, knee wobbles and slack inner thighs.

Starting off with fat freezing using 3D LipoMed Cryolipolysis, unwanted fat cells can be targeted and eliminated. Followed by Lipotripsy Shockwave, using radial wave technology, this non invasive procedure can encourage and enhance fat breakdown and lymphatic drainage. Finally, the Body Ballancer treatment will help with fluid and lymph elimination, resulting in a more refined silhouette as well as a feeling of well-being. Ideal to kick start 2015.

Skin Tight: If you are concerned about sagging jowls and neck, then this combination treatment may be just up your street. The Meder Beauty Arma Lift is a non-invasive Swiss treatment that focuses on contour correction and lifting. You will be amazed by the instant results. Followed by the ClearLift Laser Face Lift, a pain free, no downtime laser facelift which tightens and remodels skin, your sagging jowls will be so 2014!


We look forward to welcoming you soon.

