
Getting back on track

There’s been enough time since the new year for good intentions to have slipped away, so to help you get back on track and achieve your body goals, we have rounded up some of our best-loved fat-blasting and energy boosting treatments.

Prolon, the fasting-mimicking diet, is an excellent way to lose weight and keep it off. Through a carefully studied nutritionally balanced plant-based diet, the body undergoes the many benefits of fasting without any loss of nutrition. Fasting has been shown to help a number of metabolic pathways, including a reduction in inflammation and oxidation, a decrease in fasting glucose and helps in weight loss and management. An excellent way to re-boot your body whilst loosing weight and feeling good.

Our Vitamin IV Infusions are ideal for giving a boost to the system and have been designed to target different aspects of your well-being – to increase your energy, to lift your mood, to hydrate your body and to help promote weight loss. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are delivered directly into your blood stream where they can get to work and straight to their targets. You will look and feel energised, rejuvenated and relaxed. Ideal for beating the winter blues.

Velashape III is the third generation of non-invasive body contouring treatments which works by combining infrared light, radiofrequency and vacuum to break down fat, reduce the circumference of the area being treated, improve lymphatic drainage and elimination of water, and lift and tighten the skin. Results can be seen immediately, leaving you with a feeling of well-being and calm. Velashape can be used on most difficult areas including saddlebags, thighs, knees, arms, tummy and back fat.

Cool Tech Fat Freezing works to destroy fat without damaging surrounding tissues. By creating a temporary vacuum around the fat cells, they are destroyed and then eliminated by lymphatic drainage. The treatment can be used on the tummy, back rolls, thighs, buttocks, hips, knees and arms, and is pain-free. An excellent way to say goodbye to those stubborn pockets of unwanted fat!

For a relaxing and highly beneficial treatment, we thoroughly recommend Ballancer Pressotherapy Lymph Drainage. This impressive treatment is perfect to help reduce cellulite and minimise fluid retention. It helps to release and remove toxins from the body and promote weight loss as well as giving an overall sense of well-being and calm. You are left feeling lighter, calmer and less fatigued. It works by controlled compression which aids the lymphatic system and is a comfortable and relaxing treatment.

So, there you have it – get back on track and feel and look amazing!